Data volumes are increasing, content is getting richer, and traditional methods are struggling to keep up.
The constraint is no longer the size of the pipe, after all, 1Gb, 10Gb and multiple 10Gb pipes are becoming the norm. The challenge now is making sure you are utilising the full extent of the bandwidth available and capitalising on the capability it brings.
WAN Optimisation is an application optimisation technology, not a data transfer acceleration technology.
WAN Optimisation uses techniques such as de-duplication, compression, caching, traffic shaping and protocol spoofing to improve application performance or data access in remote office locations. In high data volume data transfer situations (big data transfer for analytics, data replication, off-site backup), where de-duplication and compression are already being utilised and where encryption may impact the efficiency of WAN Optimisation, WANrockIT´s patented AI technology consistently improves utilisation of high bandwidth WAN links by dealing with issues created by long distances (latency) and poor network conditions (extreme packet loss).
Bridgeworks WAN Data Acceleration can operate alongside WAN Optimisation and so is complementary to WAN Optimisation in an enterprise environment.
SD-WAN (Software Defined WAN) is a technical architecture that separates the network´s control plane (brain) from the data plane (muscle). This allows network control to be programmable and the underlying resources to be virtualised so bringing benefits to network engineers of flexibility, agility and improved resource utilisation.
SD-WAN can improve overall WAN performance by load balancing and can improve application performance in remote locations through use of WAN Optimisation devices under its control, but SD-WAN cannot improve the maximum attainable performance and utilisation of individual WAN links. In high data volume data transfer situations (big data transfer for analytics, data replication, off-site backup), Bridgeworks WANrockIT´s patented AI technology can consistently improve utilisation of high bandwidth WAN links by dealing with issues created by long distances (latency) and poor network conditions (extreme packet loss).
WAN Optimisation and WAN Data Acceleration can participate in or alongside an SD-WAN architecture and so are complementary to SD-WAN in an enterprise environment.
File transfer acceleration technologies are user or workgroup productivity tools that deal with the inherent performance issues of HTTP or FTP data transfer protocols over long distances due to latency.
File transfer acceleration technologies utilise UDP, an alternative transfer protocol that trades speed for reliability and guaranteed packet delivery. To make up for this, products add retry and resume features to guarantee the final delivery of data payloads. File transfer acceleration technologies cannot deal with issues caused by poor network conditions which due to the nature of UDP seriously affect performance.
Bridgeworks WANrockIT´s patented AI technology accelerates TCP/IP (and other protocols) obviating the need for retries and resumes and dealing with the performance impacts of long distances (latency) and poor network conditions (extreme packet loss).
WAN Data Acceleration is part of WAN infrastructure not a user or workgroup tool and can provide much wider benefits to an enterprise than simple file transfer acceleration. For example; WAN links used for file or content distribution will most likely carry other critical traffic and ad-hoc large volume transfers can affect overall performance. Bridgeworks WANrockIT, as part of WAN infrastructure provides an overall improvement in utilisation which can be managed by Network Operations to provide improved quality of service wherever it is required.
The specific use of UDP for file transfer can be considered to be complementary to the overall WAN infrastructure improvements provided by Bridgeworks WANrockIT.
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