Bridgeworks Wins SME Awards

Sep 14, 2020

Bridgeworks is excited to announce winning the SME News, Southern Enterprise Awards for Innovation in Software Defined Protocol Acceleration.

The SME Awards brought to you by SME News celebrate the success stories of one of the most important sectors in the UK economy. At the start of 2017 small businesses alone accounted for 99.3% of all private sector businesses, making the sector the beating heart of the UK economy.

An SME is a small or medium-sized enterprise. Typically, they are defined as having fewer than 250 employees and a turnover of less than €50 million according to the EU.

SMEs may be overlooked by mainstream business awards for recognition despite their often innovative and creative achievements and their power to truly disrupt their industry. SME News understand the significance of this sector of businesses and each year host SME awards aimed at specific regions or industries looking to showcase some of the key players for doing great things. Whether it be using technology and data in new ways, offering something radically new by way of a product or service or for great services provided to SMEs, SME News wants to hear about such endeavours. Nominations for all businesses are welcomed, we will then assess all nominees looking for those most deserving for their efforts within the last 12 months.

Our flagship awards programme UK Enterprise Awards launched in 2017 and has rapidly become a programme that SMEs across the UK are keen to be a part of. We also have programmes targeted at specific regions with a buoyant SME community and specific industries where SMEs are particularly active, not to mention the support services communities offering great services to SMEs.

Both being put forward for an award and winning an award can be great for business. Both nominees and winners can gain some great marketing and promotion for their achievements, it can be great for boosting employee morale and for those who do go on to win businesses can use such a win as a way of attracting great talent. Winning such an accolade offers great credibility for the business often linked with an increase in customer trust and loyalty and in turn improved financial performance.



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